Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Highway Life: Tighten your seatbelts

I’d like to think that life is a journey of a thousand miles, and as we drive along the dusty and rusty roads in our lives, we make decisions. We look back, holding the bags filled with consequences of our decisions made in the past. We keep blaming ourselves for the bad decisions that we have made. We keep giggling the “should have, would have, could have” balls in the air. I believe that as long as we are breathing, we make the right choices that suit us at the time.

At the age that we are in now, we have gone past so many roads, had so many choices, heard so many voices tell us things, and made so many mistakes. That’s why we are who we are today. We need to accept that as we drive around this road called life, we will occasionally find ourselves lost and when that happens, we should let go of all the “should have, would have, could have”, tighten our seat belts and drive. As we speed up this road to a destination called “who we hope to be” I cannot to ask myself if I’m there yet, after every stop we take.

1 comment:

princess pearly said...

I loved this blog... The last sentece was a bit confusing though... What are you trying to say? "As we speed up this road to a destination called “who we hope to be” I cannot to ask myself if I’m there yet, after every stop we take."

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