Friday, March 4, 2011

Rebranding- "the rise of a new brand"

Due to the high levels of competition, an organisation needs to identify itself as unique and different.  It is the same thing with personal blogs. A concentration needs to be identified and target audience need to be identified in order for one to know what and how to write.
Most importantly, one needs to blog about something he/she really loves a lot. In this case, I have decided to write about fashion (selecting the perfect outfit to shopping and selling), money, credit and events (from cocktail events to clubbing).
A new brand is about to be built. A brand that gives advice, critic and interesting updates. Please open up your doors for LawrenceM and the Green scarve.


Siya Mahomba said...

Oh Nice! fashion is one of my passions! It should be really interesting to see what you will come up with!

Rebecca Moloto said...

Chesa fashion guru I like how you express your passion

princess pearly said...

Looking forward to your fashion tips and trends!

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